The lonely part…

Success comes with a price. To win you must sacrifice. There is no work around. You will have to pay.

What you see of successful smucks on FB and IG is a smokescreen to hide the pain and loneliness that is required.

There will be sleepless nights. Where you variate between cold and hot with fluid covering your body.

There will be days you will feel crushing pressure. And there is no escape. The impurities must be pressed out.

And the more successful you become, the more people will hate you.

They will envy you. They will discredit you. They will despise you.

This is the dark side of change. The better you get, the more other people realize how much they suck.

Change is excruciating. We all think we want it. But when you change. When you progress. You will lose friends. There may be periods where you do not have friends.

There may be times where you have trouble engaging in conversations because your thinking has evolved and you find people petty and uninteresting.

You thought you wanted to be successful to be rich, but when you get there… you realize it isn’t the money. It isn’t the glamour. 

You figure out that you did not come into this world to pitter around in a Mercedes piece of shit.

You are here to fucking crush.

You are here to release every ounce of yourself at what you are doing.

There is one way.

And that is.

All the way.



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